
‘We constantly aim to deliver quality oral healthcare by continually improving our standards.’

About us

Our Practice aims to provide dental care of a consistent quality for all patients. Our staff members have a Job Description that defines their responsibilities when looking after you.

In proposing Dental Treatment we will take into account your own wishes. We will explain options, where appropriate, and costs, so that you can make an informed choice about your Dental Treatment.

We will do all we can to look after your general health. It is Practice Policy that all out patients complete a Dental History Form. We will ask you about your general health, and about any medicines being taken. This helps us to treat you safely. We screen all patients for mouth cancer at routine check-ups. We ask patients about tobacco and alcohol use because they increase your oral cancer risk.

Contamination control is also essential to the safety of our patients. Every Practice member receives training in practice systems for contamination control. Practice working methods are reviewed regularly at our team meetings. We encourage all staff to make suggestions for improving the care we give to our patients. We welcome patient views on our services. We have systems for dealing promptly with patients complaints and for ensuring that lessons are learnt from any mistakes that we make.

All dentists & nurses in the practice take part in continuing professional education, meeting the General Dental Council’s requirements. We aim to keep up-to-date with current thinking on all aspects of general dentistry, including preventive care, which reduces your need for treatment. We continually review the training requirements and needs of our staff members at this practice.

All members of this practice know of the need to ensure that our dentists are working safely. The safety of a dentist or patient will not be compromised, to accommodate or meet the demands made by another patient, with or without a dental appointment. We have a system to ensure that concerns are investigated and, if necessary, acted upon. We keep information about you confidential.


Dental Advices & Check Ups

Trusted Dental Treatment

Emergency Help Available 24/7

Dental Research Professionals

Only Qualified Doctors

Cutting Edge

Affordable Prices For All Patients

Quality Care For Every Patient